Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a gringo once again

Well, I made it back to Honduras. It's kind of crazy that I'm here again...it doesn't seem that long ago I was just leaving this place. (fyi, for those of you who don't know, a gringo is what a white person is generally called here). All of the flights were fine and I ended up with all of my luggage (yay!). On the way from Houston to Tegucigalpa, I sat in between two people, from two different mission groups, going to two different areas. It was pretty neat to see how little by little, God's kingdom is being brought to an impoverished place like Honduras.

I spent much of the afternoon with Marc and Terri Tindall, the couple I'm working with while I'm here, going from place to place around the capital. I'd have to say one of the best things that happened during this time was that Marc had a meeting with the mayor of Tegucigalpa and his councilmen (I think). Basically, the government has located a few impoverished areas around the city where the people are in danger of landslides and they wish to find a way to relocate them to areas that are safer. They are considering a form of partnership with TORCH in that they can locate and find families to relocate and who need a new home, and TORCH volunteers will build houses for these people. About 500 families are involved with this relocation, and we've already commited to building 20 houses in once particular location, beginning June 29th.

You know, I'm usually not a fan of politicians, and while these government officials have some agendas (based on their comments on being there while the media is there), you could tell that they still really cared about this effort to help people out. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how God works in this partnership!


  1. It's still hard to believe that this day has come, and you're back in Honduras! Makes it feel like summer '08 again. I look forward to all the updates and Skyping (yeah, I'm gonna remind you of that as often as possible so you don't forget!). :)

  2. Glad you made it safely. It's so nice to see God's kingdom being used and forming a connection with the government down there. Stay safe. You'll be in our prayers.
    Miss ya buddy.

